Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Letter "O"

I said I would blog weekly. It’s been more like 2 weeks.
It’s not that I haven’t made anything. In fact, I was gonna blog about how I’ve made my studio. And you will still get to read and see this fabulous room, but yesterday someone was desperately in need of something being made.
My friend’s last name is Oliver. She was lamenting the fact that “O” items were hard to find.
I’m a “G”, we’re everywhere. We inherited some awesome silver pieces because of the “G”. Goodin is my mother’s family name. I married a Goodman… anyway; we get the cool “G” stuff. I’ve never really shopped for “O” stuff. I do know that Cameron and Edward are hard names to find on those huge displays, so there is evidently market research being done here.
She posted a pic of what she wanted to facebook. She wants to do a family photo grouping with the letter “O” tying it all together. I love stuff like that.
Me, being ever the person who has to make whatever someone needs, thought this looked like a great little project.
I save all kinds of things. We recently got new blinds for our family room, and when they cut them in the Home Depot, I saved the roll ends. They are a woven vinyl. Thus began my materials list:
  1. The woven vinyl blind roll
  2. A printed out “O” that I chose. This probably took me the longest time… searching the fonts… I have to look at every one before I can make a decision. This is true in many of my design decisions in my personal life. I must look at every option, then think on them, then make a decision…That’s how I roll.
  3. Scissors and a black sharpie
  4. Spray adhesive

I was happy with black for my letter color, but it could be any color that you could print. I filled the page, and it ended up being a font called Adorable at 750 points. You could also print it right onto some special paper and not glue at all. It’s pretty endless how many options there could be.

I printed the letter and cut it out. Black also proved to be a good choice because it was easy to use my sharpie to clean up any edges that were not cut perfectly straight.

I cut my piece of blind to 8 ½ x 11. Used a whiff of spray adhesive and carefully placed the letter on the background.

I have put it in a frame that I have to show a final pic, but when Betty gets it hung in her home with her family all around I hope she’ll send me a pic to add to this post.

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